pondělí 18. března 2019

Latent meaning

Meaning, pronunciation, translations and . How to use latent in a sentence. The adjective latent is a tricky word to define because it refers to something there but not there. That is, latent means something that is capable of becoming active or at hand but has not yet achieved that state. Define latent (adjective) and get synonyms.

English dictionary definition of latent. An example of latent is an ability to swim that will become clear . Video is created with the help of , if you are looking for accurate, professional translation services and. LATENT is the same as closet queen. Present or potential but not evident or active: synonyinactive.

Get a latent mug for your dog Bob. Definition of latent in the Definitions. Information and translations of latent in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions . Existing or present but concealed or inactive. In psychoanalytic theory, the hidden, underlying meanings which can be revealed through the interpretation of the manifest content of dreams. Discusses the neurotic perversions of the main characters, Laura and Lizzie, of C. According to the invention, a latent -heat storage means (8) is provide wherein the latent -heat storage means is arranged in such a way that temperature . It is noted that duplicity inherent in poetry requires readers to examine latent and psychological levels.

This paper presents a novel method for the computation of word meaning in context. We make use of a factorization model in which words, together with their. It focuses specifically on the relationship between latent meaning and manifest content in the text as a whole. Sigmund Freud believed that dreams have two types of content: latent and manifest. Furthermore, existing morphology-based models directly incorporate morphemes to train word embeddings, but still neglect the latent meanings of morphemes.

LSA provides not only that information explicit in the text, but also the underlying or latent meaning of the text —an advance that has had pro- found implications . Synonyms for latent at Thesaurus. In statistics, latent variables are variables that are not directly observed but are rather inferred (through a mathematical model) from other variables that are . The virus that causes chickenpox remains latent after the initial attack of chickenpox is over. When it becomes reactivate usually many years later, the virus . We analyze random forcing in QM from the dual perspective of the measure and category correspondence.

The dual Cohen forcing allows . The common use of the term in PCA and Factor Analysis is to reduce dimension of a large number of . Latent means not directly observable. Discovery of the latent meaning , which is accessed through key scenes that prove to be inconsistent, is achieved by means of the interpreter allowing the text or . El sentido de un texto depende tanto de lo que no dice . Also find spoken pronunciation of latent in Bengali . The latent dream refers to the meaning or motive underlying the manifest dream. Analysis seeks to discover the latent meaning that is expressed within the . But most of the time this latent content is lived rather than known and describing the.

In this way the latent meaning essentially governs every aspect of . All associations are believed to be important, even though their meaning may not at. In contrast, the latent meaning of a dream is the meaning ascribed to the . California Institute of Technology , Pasadena, .

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