pátek 21. srpna 2015

Franchising definition

Definition of franchising : Arrangement where one party (the franchiser) grants another party (the franchisee ) the right to use its trademark or trade-name as well. The legal definition of franchising in Spain is an activity in which an undertaking, the franchisor , grants to another party, the franchisee , for a specific . A definition and explanation of franchising. The definition of what is a franchise can vary significantly under the laws in some states and it is . This video explains the concept of franchising , provides an example, and discusses some benefits and. English dictionary definition of franchising. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of a franchisee , as well as attributes of what makes someone in that position successful.

From a legal perspective, a franchise basically consists of a defined type of . The business relationship is a joint commitment by all franchisees to get. Definition of International franchising : A system based on the licensing of the right to duplicate a successful business format in foreign markets. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. If you want to grow your business, licensing and franchising are two options.

One allows you to replicate your business in another location and . Understanding the licensing and franchising meaning is important if you want to grow your business. Paradoxically, defining franchising is not always easy. Its respective film franchise drummed up over $billion at the box office. In a sense, franchising is very much akin . A franchisor is a person or company that grants the licence to a third party for the.

A fast food chain can be a franchised business which is leased by a franchisor to. The franchisee is adopting a proven business model and selling a . The term dates back to the late 18th century, but . There is no one settled definition of franchising. Its meaning is interpreted differently depending on discipline, jurisdiction, and the particular . A franchise, in its simplest definition , is a business opportunity that allows the franchisee (possibly you) to start a business by legally using . The word franchising is derived from the French verb, franchir, which means to make free or give liberty to, and often referred to freedom . Regulatory Definition The Federal Trade Commission defines franchising as a business relationship in which an individual owner: 1. Most federal and state laws, including the FTC Rule and state franchise legislation, incorporate these criteria in their definition of a franchise. Definition of PRODUCT FRANCHISING : Order in which a firm or franchiser supplies a product family to a certain dealer or franchisee who associates with the . Business format franchising refers to an arrangement where a franchisor teaches to the franchisee the entire businesses format.

It typically is the percentage of sales (usually the gross) that the franchisees pay to the franchiso. Franchise royalty is a sum paid to the franchisor. A payment by a franchisee does not have to be labeled a franchise fee to satisfy this element of the definition.

Define franchising and describe its two basic forms. As a franchisor your franchise agreement will serve as the primary and most important legal document that will govern and define the legal relationship with your . If an agreement meets this definition , it will be covered by the Code regardless of. The entrepreneur (the franchisor ) has invented a business, and its model, and is . In broad terms, a franchise definition translates into the opportunity for a company to expand its business, on one side, and the opportunity for an individual or a . Once you have made the decision to either franchise your business, or acquire the rights to develop a franchised business, there are several . Get knowledgeable information about franchising. Because the definition of a franchise is so broa it is very easy for a business to qualify as a franchise . Synonyms for franchising at Thesaurus.

Find descriptive alternatives for franchising. A social franchise is a network of private sector healthcare providers that are linked through agreements to provide socially beneficial health services. Lebanese law does not provide for specific regulations regarding franchising , and therefore does not provide with a specific definition of franchising and of .

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